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     Challenger Jaleel Bianco quickly responds to Councilor Ercellini's slippery slope argument.  He publishes a  meme with Ercellini's head superimposed on a panda referring to him as a "panda-er" because Ercellini is pandering to his constituents' interest in fighting the grocery store.

     Using an APPEAL TO EMOTION, tweet the response to the meme.


  1. APPEAL TO EMOTION: A fallacy in which an attempt to convince another is made by appealing to the strong feelings of the audience and not to the factual strengths or weaknesses supporting the argument. For example, if you were trying to convince others of the importance of a city providing free dance lessons to toddlers, an appeal to emotion would detail how cute the children would look in their dance costumes and not address evidence connecting dance lessons to academic performance future wage earnings..


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